Günter Schabowski
born 4 Januar 1929 Anklam
Secondary school; 1945 practical trainee in the "Freie Gewerkschaft"; 1946 Free German Trade Union Federation (FDGB), 1950 Free German Youth (FDJ), 1952 Socialist Unity Party (SED); 1953-67 deputy chief editor of the trade union newspaper "Tribüne"; 1962 degree as journalist (KMU Leipzig); between 1967-68 attended the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Unions's college in Moscow; between 1968-78 deputy editor, between 1978-85 chief editor of the "Neues Deutschland"; between 1978-85 member of the agitation commission at the Politburo of the Central Committee of the SED; between 1981-1990 member of the People's Chamber (Volkskammer); from 1981 member of the Central Committee), from 1984 member of the Politburo, from 1986 secretary of the Central Committee of the SED; between 1985-1989 1st secretary of the SED county headquarters in Berlin; 3rd December resigned from the Central Committee and Politburo; 20th -21st January 1990 expelled from the SED/PDS; from 1990 til 1999 member of the "Heimatnachrichten" (Bebra/Hesse).