The Fall of the Wall
 german flag

Combat Groups

Combat Groups

Paramilitary associations organised in state organisations and facilities (also called: "Betriebskampfgruppen" (Organisation combat groups)).
An enforced large-scale establishment of the "combat groups of the party" after the suppression of the workers' revolt of 17th June 1953. First joined with the Volkspolizei, then the National Defence.
Weapons: carbines, machine guns, light anti-aircraft guns, trench mortars, anti-tank guns. The combat group associations with around 400,000 men had the function of suppressing internal revolts and to support the army in the case of a defensive action. Its largest action: Blocking of the border to West Berlin on the day of the building of the wall (13th August 1961).
The possible option of a violent suppression of the Monday demonstration on 9th October 1989 was planned with the use of the combat groups. This however did not happen, on the contrary many members of the combat groups joined the call of "We are the people". On 14th December 1990, the government of Modrow decided to disband the combat groups by 30th June 1990.

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