
In actual fact a system of philosophical, historical, political, economical sciences theories developed by Marx and Engels and supplemented by Lenin, which used the Hegelsche dialectic. In time, however disintegrated to the embodiment of the "scientific" agitation and propaganda instrument of the SED leadership.
Mandatory subject at all higher technical colleges and universities of the GDR until the changeover. Numerous dogmas were derived from the ideology-orientated construction, amongst others the claim of leadership of the Workers Party, which was incorporated in Article 1 of the constitution of the GDR and which, in correlation with the undemocratic electoral law, was intended to prevent other parties than the SED from governing the country. Therefore it was "legally" impossible, without a change in the constitution and free elections, both of which were demanded by the citizens' rights movement of the changeover time, to change the political circumstances in the GDR.